A fantastic few days of enrolment into the Sixth Form, thank you to all students and staff! We still have selected places available and if you still wish to join us, please come in to the Sixth Form Centre on Tuesday 29th Aug 13:45-15:30.
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If you are away on the day of GCSE results (24th August) then you MUST EMAIL to let us know and confirm you are still interested in your place. We are over subscribed so cannot guarantee places for those students who do not attend enrolment.
For full information please see https://qk.org.uk/6fenrolment/
It has been yet another fantastic year for Quintin Kynaston Sixth Form, achieving our best ever results, with all key indicators improving on last year.
Head of Sixth Form Katie Carr said “the effort and dedication shown by students this year has been remarkable and they have demonstrated true resilience. I am immensely proud of all of their achievements and have watched in awe as they have matured into hard-working and ambitious young people. Not only have our results continued to improve, we are also sending more and more students to a number of the best Universities in the country”.
Individual highlights include
Emilio McAllister-Fognini A* A* A reading Physics at UCL
Mohammed El Fadil A*A A reading Engineering at Imperial
Farhan Latif A A B reading Economics and Politics at Queen Mary
Ala’A Othman A* A B reading History and English at Durham
Noah Pell A B B reading Economics and Politics at Lancaster
Blerina Qerimi A B B reading Economics at Queen Mary
School highlights include
A*-A is 21%
A*-C is 72%
67% A*-B in Art
67% A*-B in Economics
Head teacher Alex Atherton said “Once again our results have improved due to the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers. The resilience they have shown in what is the toughest year of their education to date is deeply impressive, whilst their aspiration to achieve top University places on prestigious courses it a tribute to their educational journey here at QK.”
Download (PDF, 259KB)
Thursday 17th August – A Level Results Day
A2 results collect from 7.45am
AS results collect from 10.00am
Thursday 24th August – GCSE Results Day
GCSE Year 11 Results from 9.30am
Enrolment from 10.00 am
Science for Transformation
QK @ The 14th Schools Science Conference: Science for Transformation
A group of Year 10 students attending the 14th Schools Science Conference at the University of Westminster on the 26th April. They got to meet professionals from a wide variety of fields, all involved in using science to transform medicine. They were paramedics, pathologists, biochemists, dieticians, biochemical engineers and more. The fascinating keynote speaker shared an inspirational story of how a new way of measuring brain activity was transforming child health worldwide. As well as hearing from different scientists, students got involved – from taking measurements of their own heart, looking at different pathogens down a microscope or handling a 3D print of an actual professor’s brain scan! In one workshop they found out whether they had or didn’t have a gene related to tasting broccoli, and how much snot we all create in a day.
The students also presented their own science project, on how long sunscreen is effective for, to an audience of around 200. They were clear and engaging and able to deal with questions from the judging panel. When the conference website is updated there will be official photos put up: http://science4u.info
8C2/Pc met volunteers from Solidarity Sports () today, a local charity which works with disadvantaged children from London to make their lives happier. The class will be fundraising for the charity and as you can see they have plenty planned. You’ll see them with t-shirts and wristbands while fundraising, please do try and support them if you can.
Y8 Citizenship Class
Ira and canine companion Abi visits 8A1 to work with the local charity ALL DOGS MATTER
For their citizenship class Year 8 students invited Ira, the founder of All Dogs Matter ,to QK so they could find out how they can help volunteer and fundraise for them.
The charity rescues and re-homes abandoned dogs and the students were impressed to hear why the charity is so beneficial to dogs, lonely and ill humans too!
The dogs regularly visit sick children in Great Ormond Street Hospital.
The students from 8A1 are about to enter a vigorous fundraising campaign!