Studying History at Oxford
Our Sixth Form builds on the high standards of teaching, learning and personal development that Quintin Kynaston students become used to throughout Years 7 to 11. In September Ofsted observed, ‘leadership is strong and that has galvanised students and staff in raising standards and progress’ as part of an overall ‘good’ judgement. We are very much a school Sixth Form, understanding that our students require freedom and a sense of responsibility whilst giving them the strong relationships, care and structure QK provides so well. Our aim is to ‘develop the best in every student’, ensuring they achieve academic success, and receive the best possible learning experience alongside increased opportunities to develop as an individual.
Entry Requirements
The focus of our Sixth Form is on the study of A levels and BTEC qualifications that allow our students the best opportunity to progress into university and then into professional careers.
Minimum criteria for entry 2017
- At least a GCSE Grade 5 in English Language or Grade 5 in Mathematics and a pass at C or above in another subject.
- To meet the specific entry requirements for the subjects that you have chosen, which can be found .
- To study a programme of 3 A-level’s a score of 6.0 or 5 B’s.
These are minimum requirements. Many of our subject combinations are heavily over-subscribed and the school reserves the right to offer places in order to fill all of its courses efficiently. We may allocate students onto other subjects which were not necessarily their first choice.
We are delighted to now be accepting applications to our Sixth Form for 2017/8. In order to be considered for a place you must complete our . We will then contact your school for a reference. upon receipt of this you will then be invited for a meeting with a member of staff to discuss your application in further detail. Also available is the .
We are an inclusive school and want to ensure that we offer students the correct pathway for them. We offer students a place based on:
- Academic potential evidenced by their school report and/or reference.
- Attendance and behaviour record, as per report and/or reference.
- Willingness to be involved in extra-curricular activities.
- The combination of subjects.
Application outcomes include the following:
- Unconditional offer-those that meet all of the criteria, see above
- Conditional offer-awaiting outcomes of GCSE’s.
- Waiting list.
Course changes can happen when the student enrols in August, space and eligibility permitting. Failure to attend enrolment in August will result in a student loosing their place. If a student fails to meet their predicted grades, their place at the school is not guaranteed.
Late applications after the deadline, will be considered, but those on the waiting list will take priority.