2016 – QK achieves record results again!
Quintin Kynaston is celebrating another set of examination results with all key indicators
showing an improvement on last year. This follows wonderful A level results last week.
Headteacher Alex Atherton stated that “this is another significant step forward for QK.
Both results days have given us reason to celebrate, not least because they show the year
groups coming through the school are doing even better. I am very proud of what the
students and staff have achieved. The outcomes are a tribute to their dedication and
quality of work.”
- Going to Oxford
- Going to UCL
- Going to Queen Marys
- Congratulations
Individual highlights include
A long list of students who all achieved at least 8 A*/A grades
Ana-Cristina Wiedeman, George Prigov, Mohammed Khan, Montazar Alshawi, Arber
Gllogjani, Eilaaf El-Essawy, Hamza Arahu, Yasmeen Abdeel Rahman, Zahra Tasnim, Nita
Pacuku, Nada Mohamed and Tasnim Jani –
School highlights include
Overall English/Maths – up 7% to 65%
Five A*-C (including English and maths) – up 7% to 61%
Value added, average grade also significantly up.
Quintin Kynaston achieved record examination results for the second year running in 2015! We are exceptionally proud of all of our students, now off studying at great top universities such as LSE, UCL and Kings.
Over 50% of our students are studying at Russell Group universities or other top universities.
Full story is here.