Sixth Form Enrolment – Sept 2017

Sixth Form Enrolment starts at 10am on Thursday 24th August in the Sixth Form Learning Centre.  You will need to bring with you the envelope from your results which will also contain other important information which you need to be successfully be enrolled.

During your enrolment interview you will also have your photo taken for our student management system as well as for you student ID – please be prepared for this, there is no time to leave, change or go and get ready!

Please also make sure you know at least two contact numbers for parents/guardians, your address/postcode, email addresses for parents/guardians and your own mobile and email – all this information will need to be correct on your enrolment form before your place is successfully confirmed so that the year runs smoothly.

Finally and most importantly, you will also need the following:

  • Passport/National Identity Card which clearly shows nationality and place of birth
  • Photographic ID (if above does not have this)
  • Proof of address
  • Your official exam results

If you are away on the day of results then you MUST email in advance of the day.  We have a lot of work to do the day before results to ensure we have can still accept your application once your grades are released; if you have not let us know in advance that you are away, we may not have the space on your first choices courses.  We are a very popular Sixth Form provider and the expectation is that students attend in person to enrol.

Good luck and we look forward to seeing you on the 24th to Welcome you to the HASJW Sixth Form.