HASJW – School Name & Uniform

What Will We Be Called?

The school name has been confirmed as Harris Academy St. John’s Wood in keeping with all other Harris schools. Our new logo was the overwhelming choice of student voice representatives and will be what you will see on paperwork, website and around the building:

We will also have a new badge which you will see on student uniforms and staff workwear:


What Does The Uniform Look Like?

All year groups will have a new uniform.  If you have previously purchased a QK Uniform (Years 8-11) then you will provided with one set of the main uniform, this includes blazer, jumper, tie, skirt (girls – blue tartan), rucksack (compulsory for next year’s 7 to 9) and for PE – a polo T shirt. These items are all branded .New Year 7 students will purchase as normal.

Main School Uniform:


PE Kit:

QK branded uniform (including the rucksack, coat and tracksuit) should not be worn from September. It will not be allowed as an alternative.

Trousers will not be supplied by the school and will be black rather than blue. Girls may choose to wear the black trousers instead of the blue tartan skirt shown although they must be loose fitting; girls may also wear a long black skirt on religious grounds. The tighter trousers currently worn by many of the girls will not be allowed in September and black version should not be purchased.

In addition:

  • There will be no equivalent of the QK coat from September. Rules on coats will be published in the full uniform code.
  • There will be a no jewellery rule.
  • Navy shorts for PE will not be supplied by the school either but are compulsory for PE. A tracksuit top is not compulsory, but if one is purchased it should be the branded version displayed. Tracksuit trousers are not compulsory but if purchased should be navy as indicated.
  • Girls will be permitted to wear black leggings for PE. Note that year 11 will not have a PE lesson in the curriculum so do not need the additional items unless they will represent the school.
  • The sixth form will have a ‘business dress’ code. Details to follow.

A full uniform code will be published by the end of the academic year.

Collection Of Uniform

Details on how to order and purchase the new uniform for parents of students joining the new Year 7 will be distributed during the meetings on Wednesday 28th June if not before.

For Years 8 to 11 the plan is for uniform to be available for collection from Thursday 31st August until 5th September. This will be confirmed nearer the time. All students are expected to be in the full school uniform on their first day.