Chinese Teachers Visit to QK

On Wednesday 14th September 2016, a delegation of 20 primary and secondary school teachers from Tianjin, China, visited QK.
The essence of their visit to the UK was to learn more about the education system and pedagogy from British schools.  The visitors met with teaching staff, toured the new school building, had conversations with students during vertical tutor time and observed several maths lessons.  The group’s interpreter said: “The group really enjoyed their visit and were extremely impressed by QK’s ideology of ‘community’, including the methodology for vertical tutoring to help students make progress.  Thank you very much for your warm hospitality and reception before and during the visit  (by Albee Liu).”

Following their visit, our visitors departed for a final meeting at the Department for Education. To those involved, we were delighted to leave them with a good impression of the British education system.

Ross McGill – Deputy Headteacher