Parent Voice

QK Leading Parent Partnership Award 


QK has been accredited with the prestigious Leading Parent Partnership Award. We are the first Westminster Secondary School to achieve this award and it is a wonderful affirmation of the relationship established between the school and the parent body.

Headteacher Alex Atherton said “I am delighted that the school has been awarded the ”.

The official feedback reported on an ‘excellent portfolio, positive and confident engagement with parents, numerous strengths and thorough record keeping’. Achieving the award depended on QK meeting each of the ten objectives with seventy key performance indicators overall.

New initiatives in recent years included ‘internal courses for students, parents and staff, drama showcases, Eid celebration, open days, open lessons, external and internal speakers invited to speak with parents and the formation of a Parent Council body’.

Parental engagement is a powerful lever for raising achievement in schools and there is much research to show the value of schools and parents working together. Schools have been encouraged to shift from simply involving parents with the school to enabling them to engage themselves more directly with their children’s learning.

The LPPA will enable us to pull the various strands of parental support together to provide the cohesive approach to partnership working that will be at the heart of the school. We will see the impact that the effective parental partnership can have on building trust and confidence, and how this can be so powerful in supporting students’ learning.

For further information please refer to the LPPA Website

Parent Advisory Services

Congratulations to all parents who completed the 8 week Mindfulness Course.

Parental engagement can be a powerful lever for raising achievement in schools and there is much research to show the value of schools and parents working together to support students learning.

Parent council

Our Parent Council is a body of parents representative of all cultures in our school. They are a subsidiary of our Parent forum and meet regularly to discuss issues raised during our parent forum meeting, the parent council collaborates with the school to provide solutions. The Parent Council is a committed body of parents who volunteer their time and are a valuable asset within our school community, who can be called upon to volunteer their time and as a team within our school community are committed to QK’s Mission, Values and Ethos.

Parent Council Mission Statement

“To encourage collaboration between parents and educators to provide a vibrant learning environment for all students. To support the QK vision at home and school. To nurture aspiration, resilience, and a strong community spirit in our young people in readiness for their adult life.”


Through the Parent Advisory Service parents are encouraged to be involved directly with their child’s learning in the following ways: 

  • supporting in revision, or family learning activities
  • communication via school diaries or planners
  • attend meetings regarding students’ progress and assessments including information on target setting
  • keep in regular communication with the school via email and other electronic media, such as texting,
  • to communicate quickly and effectively about the curriculum or other teaching matters
  • Read Weekly updates on QK News
  • Work in partnership by telling the school their view as to how our school can become more inclusive in meeting the needs of all students’


Parent Forum

The role of the Parent Forum has been to establish a committed body of parents who actively work alongside the school to support raising students’ progress with regards to attendance, behaviour and attainment.

Parent Forum meets regularly, anyone who has a child attending Quintin Kynaston is welcome to attend.

Calendar of Events-2016-2017

  • Eid
  • Christmas Concert
  • Mindfulness .b Foundation Course
  • International day
  • Head Teachers meeting
  • Parent Council Committee

Parents Events for Term 6