Our Curriculum

All Parents and Carers should note that the timetable for the 2015-16 academic year started on June 15th 2015. This is so Key Stage 4 students have a full year at their two one-year courses in each of years 10 and 11.

Key Stage 3 – 2015-16

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum enables both a strong transition from primary school and excellent preparation for the formal qualifications to come.

Number of Lessons in Week

Subject Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
English 5 5 5
Mathematics 5 5 5
Science 4 4 4
Design and Technology 3 3 3
Computing 1 1 1
Music 1 1 1
Drama 1 1 1
Art 1 1 1
Modern Foreign Languages 2 2 2
Humanities 1 1 1
Physical Education 2 2 2

Download the 2014-15 Year 7 curriculum guide for parents here
Download the 2014-15 Year 8 curriculum guide for parents here
Download the 2014-15 Year 9 curriculum guide for parents here

Key Stage 4 – 2015-16

Our broad Key Stage 4 curriculum meets the needs of learners exceptionally well through a wide range of academic and vocational courses. We are successful in ensuring that a significant number of students achieve the English Baccalaureate qualification and all who wish to take it can do so.

Subject Year 10 Year 11 
English 6 6
Mathematics 5 5
Science 3 4
Physical Education 2 2
Religious Education 1 0
Option 1 6 0
Option 2 6 0
Option 3 0 6
Option 4 0 6

Year 10 and 11 Core Provision: English, Mathematics, Core Science, Physical Education, Religious Education

GCSE Options: Additional/ Triple Science, History, Geography, Sociology, French, Art and Design, Photography, Textile Design, Drama, Music, Performing Arts, Media Studies, Economics, Business, Computing, Resistant Materials, Graphic Products

BTEC Options: Business BTEC Award, ICT, Construction, Engineering, Hospitality and Catering, Sport, NCFE Art

Download the KS4 pathways booklet for parents here.

Sixth Form – 2015-16

The Sixth Form is very strong and over 90% of students stay on from Year 11 to pursue courses in a broad range of subjects. Many our students are successful in gaining places to study at universities including Oxbridge. Access to the prospectus and further information is available here.