Pastoral Care

At QK we pride ourselves on providing the highest level of pastoral care to our students and their families. Our pastoral care provides support for our students to ensure there are no barriers to progress and learning. The pastoral structure allows us to create a supportive environment across every year group.

Form Tutors

Students are in tutor groups and have daily contact during tutor time. The tutor acts as their mentor and guide for every student. We deliver our Citizenship, Personal, Social, and Health Education curriculum partly through tutor time and use this time to create our positive school ethos. Tutors monitor their students’ overall academic progress and will also monitor and address any issue that may arise in relation to attendance, uniform, behaviour and general student welfare. The form tutor should be the first point of contact for parents and carers.

Inclusion Tutors and Inclusion Co-ordinators

Every year team is supported by an Inclusion Co-ordinator and an Inclusion Tutor who are members of support  staff. The IC and IT work with the tutor team and the Director of Leaning by supporting students in the classroom with their learning as well as giving care, guidance and support with students social and emotional well-being.

Director of Learning

Every year team is headed by the Director of Learning (DoL) who is responsible for the pastoral care of their year group. The DoL has an overview of the year group’s ethos and individual students’ progress. The DoLs have a student centred approach and have a wealth of knowledge in terms of supporting students whatever the need may be. There are weekly Wellbeing Meetings held to highlight any students who require a particular intervention.

Senior Leaders

Senior leaders line manage Directors of Learning as part of their responsibilities.

In 2015-16 they are

Ms Johnston – years 7 and 8

Ms Fay – year 9

Ms Ward – years 10 and 11

Mr McGillicuddy – years 12 and 13