Bangladeshi Coffee Morning Dates


Thank you to all parents who attended our last Bangladeshi Parents Coffee Morning. This is a monthly meeting where our focus is on raising the achievement of your child, understanding what the school offers in terms of support and an opportunity to build a network of new friends in a caring and open environment.

It is important that as a community we work in partnership for the benefit of all our students and your voice matters.

Please join us for tea and chat.

The meetings for the rest of the Academic Year are:


Tuesday 1st of March 9am – 10.30am Meeting Room
Tuesday 12th of April 9am – 10.30am Meeting Room
Tuesday 3rd of May 9am – 10.30am Meeting Room
Tuesday 7th of June 9am – 10.30am Meeting Room
Tuesday 5th of July 9am – 10.30am Meeting Room

An interpreter will be present and refreshments will be available.

We look forward to meeting more parents coming to support this meeting and building stronger relationships with the school.

Please contact Emma Stevens at or ring ext 245 if you would like more information.