Head Boy/Girl Welcome


Head Girl Mersadie Cooke and Head Boy TBC 

Mersadie: QK sixth form is an incredible place to study and be part of.  The new community system has created an environment that makes both the year 12s and 13s feel united. Therefore meaning the year 12s can look to the year 13s for advice and help with revision.

Our academic achievements are outstanding and our results are improving year by year. We have an incredible set of teachers that not only care about you achieving your academic targets, but are also concerned with enriching you as people and young adults.

We are constantly being presented with opportunities to give us experience and tasters into future career paths we may want to explore in the future. But most Importantly the staff and teachers are always there for a supportive conversation or to give helpful advice with things we are struggling with.

You never feel alone and the people around you will work tirelessly to provide you with the guidance you require.