
Assessment at QK (2015-2016)

QK assessment procedures follow the main national guidelines for KS4 (GCSEs) and KS5 (A Level/ Diploma).

The summative grades are based on the qualification grades:

  • A level = A*-E
  • Level 3 Diploma = Distinction, Merit, Pass
  • GCSEs = A*-G for the current Y11
  • GCSEs = A*-G for current Y10 except English and Maths which are new GCSE courses and have the new grading structure of 9-1.

At KS3 all years follow national curriculum levels with the exception of Y9 English, Maths and Science. These subjects are following the GCSE qualification grading of 9-1.

The KS3 National curriculum levels will gradually be replaced by a new recording and reporting process, starting in September 2016 with the new Y7 cohort.

The aim at QK is to get to a point where all teaching is based on a formative approach that creates personal learning checklists identifying the skills and knowledge upon which each student needs to improve.

Targets are set with an element of challenge for levels of progress. At A level, GCSE results and ALPs predictors are used to set a realistic challenge. At GCSE 4 levels of progress are set as the challenging target based on KS2 data (this is based approximately on a 2+2 model of 2 levels at KS3 and 2 levels at KS4).

At KS3 level targets are being replaced by a more formative method focusing on specific subject skills and knowledge. These will change as progress is made in achieving preceding qualitative targets.