

“Mastery of language affords one remarkable opportunities.”  Alexandre Dumas

The inability to speak a language other than your mother tongue is increasingly limiting for people who are ambitious to progress their careers. English may be universally understood, but knowledge of another country and an ability to engage with its culture will at least double the number of work and life opportunities available to you.

Job markets are global, and post-2008 many talented individuals have been able to move easily between mainland Europe and London, attracted by the strength of the Pound. They were able to do this because they had learned another language.

Languages shouldn’t be seen as a discrete subject option, but as a necessary and enabling subject that complements other subject choices necessary for your chosen career.


Current developments

This year we are preparing for the revised specifications at GCSE by implementing a new approach to homework and assessment. In place of class tests, assessment goals are made explicit at the start of each term and students have Homework Booklets which help them to manage their own learning.

The community language of Arabic is being introduced to the main curriculum.

Years 8 and 9

Note that year 7 information for each subject is available here.

“KS3 provision in Languages has changed to reflect the new GCSE specifications at KS4. In both Y8 and Y9, translation exercises have been introduced, together with authentic text reading comprehension exercises to familiarize students with the requirements of the new exams. The taught content and the language of the diverse areas of experience has not changed, but there is now a greater emphasis on developing an autonomous facility with a range of lexical items and grammatical structures; in preparation for terminal assessment.”


Enrichment and Extra Curricular

French is supported by two after school support sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Lessons are offered after school in the Community Languages of Persian, Bengali and Spanish.

There is also a growing French Society which looks at le cinéma français and supports an appreciation and understanding of broader French culture.

In Year 7 there is an exciting day trip to Paris and we have links with a school in Normandy.

Year 7 Trip to Paris – May 2016