

“The future is up for grabs. It belongs to any and all who will take the risk and accept the responsibility of consciously creating the future they want.”
― Robert Anton Wilson

By recognising the diversity of interests and future intentions of the students who take a science qualification at GCSE we can enhance their ability to plan and carry out practical investigations and their understanding of the role of experimental work.

We believe that science has something to offer every student, whatever their aspirations. From trainee chef to nuclear physicist, construction apprentice to cancer researcher, everyone needs some level of relevant science understanding.

We provide opportunities to link issues relevant to our students as citizens, and to the cultural aspects of science that are of value and interest to all.

At QK, students develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Within these subjects, they will develop their understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science, through different types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.

They will learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills, both in the laboratory, in the field and in other learning environments. Finally they will evaluate claims based on science through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Current Developments

Science is an exciting subject, where students at KS3 follow a revised curriculum that teaches them to critically think, evaluate and learn the key concepts and skills that will take into KS4. Here we build on their enthusiasm and interest with well-resourced, inspiring independent curiosity led lessons.

We are very well resourced and as such the students take part in many exciting and thought provoking experiments throughout their time. At KS4 we offer the entry level certificate to the year 9s to develop their exam skills and then move on to the combined award or triple science covering biology, chemistry and physics separately. In following the AQA syllabus, we allow our students to sit an exam that has a clearer structure and is therefore more straightforward. At A ‘level, the offer of Biology, Chemistry and Physics are popular due to the knowledge of the teachers and their passion for the subjects.

Years 8 and 9

Note that year 7 information for each subject is available here.

Year 8 science are studying a blend of Exploring and Framework Science in order to prepare them for moving in to KS4 next year. We ensure the focus is on How Science Works (HSW) as well as subject content. This year we begin to make it explicit that there are 3 forms of science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics and explore the differences between the three subjects as well. Topics cover are 1. Forces & their Effects, Heating & Cooling. 2. Food & Digestion, Respiration, Chemical Reactions. 3. .Building Blocks (Atoms & Elements), Compounds & Mixtures. 4. Introduction to Magnets and Electromagnets, Sound 5. Plants & Photosynthesis. 6. .Light, Fit & Healthy, How Science Works.Microbes & Disease.

In Year 9 we follow the new GCSE.

Enrichment and Extra Curricular

There are many science clubs that run throughout the year:

QK space association has released a high altitude balloon into space and filmed the footage, collated data. The next steps are to design and make the sensors and circuit boards to measure temperature pressure, acceleration, GPS and altitude for their next balloon.

The STEM club have looked into hydrogen fuelled cars and raced models; looked into wind energy and ways to make it more efficient.

The Future science club have entered Science for survival competition and are looking into finding better ways to help people stave off the zika virus by avoiding mosquito bites

The KS3 science club have experimented with slime and electric slime, testing parachutes, discovering how to fry an egg on newspaper, pressure fountains, chemiluminescence, lasers and light and are currently programming Lego robots.

In our Science cafe, we have visitors throughout the term who share their expertise and passion for their chosen field. The students have attended lectures on exoplanet spectroscopy, the heart drugs and receptors and CERN to name but a few.

Students have also travelled and to attend Physics and Biology in action lectures

At KS3 and 4, students visit the many museums in London in addition to the Isis nature reserve.

KS5 students have many residential opportunities to visit the detectors, scientists and colliders at CERN; laboratories at Aberystwyth to see the how the many chemicals we use can be synthesized. and field trips in wales to experience, measure, calculate and evaluate the ecology of streams, rivers, sand dunes, ponds, and woodland.

With many more trips, competitions and experiences planned, science at QK is helping our students gain the knowledge to build themselves a better future.