
Aspire at Quintin Kynaston is an alternative provision which caters for students at Key Stage 4 who experience difficulties coping in a mainstream environment.

Individual support packages are put in place for students depending on their needs. Interventions are regularly reviewed to ensure they are successful and that they are having an impact and additional support is put in place where necessary.

We offer a wide and varied curriculum for all learners where all core subjects are taught by qualified teachers. We have a proven track record of excellent results with 100% of Key Stage 4 students achieving 5 or more GCSEs/equivalent including English and Maths.


Aspire has excellent links with the local community and we work closely with Arsenal FC and Cricklewood FC. Students’ work with these organisations weekly to gain qualifications such as Sport Leadership and participate in workshops to further develop skills and qualities. They work with the students’ to improve their leadership and team skills, communication and social awareness as well as preparing them for their next steps.