The journey home

The students are packed a ready, and all luggage is on the coach ready to go before dinner.

We set off at 6.30pm on the dot with the aim of catching an earlier than planned ferry.

We arrive in Calais at around 9am having travelled most of the night except for a few toilet stops here and there.

It turns out that we can’t catch an earlier ferry because they are all booked up and full, it was a good idea while it lasted.

So a long wait at Calais port now, after a spot of McDonalds.

Younes is charged with wearing the drop of the day shirt today for his antics on the slopes yesterday. The last run of the day he managed to take out most of his group, well done Younes!


We arrived back at school just after 7.30pm, making the journey home just over 27 hours.

I think there is a lot of sleep to be caught up on, and videos to be uploaded when we’re back at school on Monday.

The last week has been a pleasure to be a part of, the students were great the whole way through and they have done QK proud.