The journey home

The students are packed a ready, and all luggage is on the coach ready to go before dinner.

We set off at 6.30pm on the dot with the aim of catching an earlier than planned ferry.

We arrive in Calais at around 9am having travelled most of the night except for a few toilet stops here and there.

It turns out that we can’t catch an earlier ferry because they are all booked up and full, it was a good idea while it lasted.

So a long wait at Calais port now, after a spot of McDonalds.

Younes is charged with wearing the drop of the day shirt today for his antics on the slopes yesterday. The last run of the day he managed to take out most of his group, well done Younes!


We arrived back at school just after 7.30pm, making the journey home just over 27 hours.

I think there is a lot of sleep to be caught up on, and videos to be uploaded when we’re back at school on Monday.

The last week has been a pleasure to be a part of, the students were great the whole way through and they have done QK proud.


The last day

We wake up today knowing that a good thing is coming to an end.

We ski all day today, back to the hotel for a shower, to get changed and to have dinner then we go back on the road for another 24 hours.

Great conditions today on the slopes, the sun has been out all day and the snow is great because of the constant snowfall yesterday.

Veronilka dons the shirt today for falling off a button lift. She seems quite embarrassed!


At the end of skiing today, all students will get a certificate to demonstrate their progress throughout the week.

It’s a shame we can’t stay out here longer!



QK Ski update

Sorry for the lack of update – our hotel had a new wifi system installed and it ended up not working very well.

Levi was the next student to earn the privilege of wearing the drop of the day outfit, perhaps a bit of a fix by the year 10s, but Levi was a good sport wearing it all day nonetheless:

Another great day skiing, snowing steadily all day. The students are still progressing massively and it’s great to watch.

Pizza night tonight in the pizza restaurant across the road, we’ve heard good things.


Après-ski: Tubing

A new experience for all of us today: going down a ski run, lying on a rubber tube. One at a time to start with, but once we got the hang of it we were allowed to race. Great fun.


Hot chocolate, hot dogs and chips to warm us up afterwards. The live music was fantastic too, the students really enjoyed it.


Drop of the day has been decided, and the winner will be revealed tomorrow. Another classic.

Tomorrow evening we’re having a pizza night and a walk around the town for the students to buy souvenirs etc.

More updates tomorrow.

Good night.

Another day on the slopes

We will start off with the winner of ‘drop of the day’, Tyrese, for knocking a group of ski school students over like dominoes. Well done Tyrese.

This is now my ninth ski trip with QK, and I can safely say that I have never seen students make so much progress over so little time. It is absolutely unbelievable.

Most of the groups have now gone up to the top part of the resort, and have discovered what skiing is all about. Students have said to Mr Brown that they will be taking up skiing for the rest of their lives because they’ve had such a fantastic time. It makes it all worth while.


Assessment day on the slopes

First of all, a big congratulations to Gjenia for winning the ‘drop of the day’ title for wiping out a bunch of randoms:

Today was assessment day on the slopes, all were tested and the groups were re-shuffled after lunch.

All groups are skiing the whole of the green run now, making fantastic progress. It looks like it’s taken a lot out of Eilaaf…

Some yet again hilarious nominations for drop of the day today, looks like there can only be one winner though, we will find out tomorrow.

Bowling tonight, was great fun. Well done to Remy who finished with the highest score out of the students, and to Mr Posner who finished with the highest score out of the staff!


Below: A picture of the advanced group, and some of the fantastic views we get to enjoy.



Another great day skiing and the first evening activity

Another fantastic day on the slopes today, even though it was bitterly cold. It didn’t stop snowing all day and at some points the wind was so strong it would stop us in our tracks, and visibility was so bad you could barely see in front of you.

Some fantastic ‘drop of the day’ nominations again today, all will be revealed tomorrow morning.

In the mean time, we will leave you with a photo of our first evening activity: ice skating.

P.S. We couldn’t figure out which student was on the floor in this photo!

Day 2

Morning all,

The students are dealing with the early wake up call fantastically well, although we don’t think they believed us when we told them how tired they would be!

Everyone in the breakfast hall just before 7am, ready for the 8am chair lift.

Well done to Mr Bush who we have nominated for ‘drop of the day’, so he will be wearing the multi coloured top all day today. He hurtled through one of the safety nets into the out of bounds area of the chair lift. Looking forward to seeing what nominations for ‘drop of the day’ come forward today!

Ice skating for the evening activity tonight, should be fun!

Mr Bush in his ‘drop of the day’ outfit. He even managed to find his equal from another school!

First day of skiing done and dusted.

Hello all!

A great day skiing today, the sun was out and there was fresh now from the night before.

The students have come on leaps and bounds and have shown a great deal of resilience. Some got off to a shaky start, but by the end of the day everyone was involved and was able to do snow plough stops by the end of the day.

Some very good contenders for ‘drop of the day’ today, including some shockers from some our more experienced skiers.

Nominations for ‘drop of the day’ will take place at dinner, with the group choosing the winner by the loudest cheer. We will upload videos of the nominations where possible. A shirt with an interesting pattern is the forfeit. Update tomorrow.

Good night.



First early start

Good morning!

Students are awake and getting ready, some found it easier than others!

Breakfast is about to be served, then to the chairlift to go up to the beginner slope where we will be introduced to the ski instructors.

GoPro footage to follow as soon as we can upload it!

Internet connection is poor, so updates may not be as frequent as first planned, but will attempt to post as often as possible!

Have a nice day.