DofE Bronze Expedition

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition

Year 10 students for successfully completed their DofE Bronze expedition over the weekend.
The external assessor was full of praise for them and highly impressed with there navigational and teamwork skills over the duration of the two days.

World Book Day winners

During tutor time today we held a celebration for the World Book Day competition winners;
Charlie B4, Tanzila O10 and Blessing P3.

They were rewarded for their fantastic participation during our World Book Day event earlier this year.

During tutor time today we held a celebration for the World Book Day competition winners;
Charlie B4, Tanzila O10 and Blessing P3.

They were rewarded for their fantastic participation during our World Book Day event earlier this year.

14th Schools Science Conference

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Cricket Session

Here are some pics of our PE lesson today. The year 8 girls, courtesy of two cricket coaches from Lords are learning how to become cricket stars for the term. The sun also made an appearance.

Healthy Schools Silver Award


QK is pleased to announce we have received our second Healthy Schools Award.

We are now a Silver Award school and on the way to being one of the first secondary schools in London to achieve Gold! We will be working hard over  the next year to implement key strategies, that will help your child be the healthiest and most successful they can be.

We hope we can give them the tools that will enable them to make the right choices when it comes to eating, rest and exercise. More of what we will be doing to come.

Victoriana Exhibition

Victoriana, 30th March (Thursday), 5.30-6.30pm

Year 9 have been working hard in English, researching the Victorian era and historical context of Charles Dickens’ writing.  As part of this work, they been creating a class museum about various aspects of life in Victorian England.  This will be part of a Victorian experience, complete with: immersive theatre pieces, tours delivered by student guides, Victorian refreshments and displays of students’ art work inspired by their research into the era.

The museums will be exhibited on Thursday, 30th March.  We are inviting parents and guardians to partake in this Victorian experience from 5.30-6.30pm. This is a free exhibition – however, you will need to book your tickets in advance.

Basketball Update

On Friday 10th March, 17 QK Basketball Academy Students traveled to Worcester University for a educational experience on campus.

It was a great day and i’m sure they all got a lot out of the trip. For some it was inspirational and motivational and for the others it was a bit of an eye opener of what’s to come in the future.

Here are some quotes about their experience:

“My experience at Worcester University was very inspiring and I learnt a lot. I now have a good idea of what I want to do in the future.”  Warren  Year 9

“During the day at Worcester University, it taught me how important universities are and how many opportunities it can give you. I had a great experience, the whole day was worth the long journey but I would like to go back. As a group I don’t think anyone had a bad time.”

“Looking forward to going to Worcester University”  Omar  Year 11

“The trip to Worcester University was a great experience for me as it allowed me to gain knowledge on different opportunities for me to further my basketball career after sixth form and think about my different options of universities.”  Dwayne Year 12

Here are some pictures of our day.