QK achieves record Sixth Form results for the second year running!

Quintin Kynaston Sixth Form has continued the trend of raising achievement. The percentage of students achieving A*-B grades in Year 13 made a 5% jump to 40%. The numbers of grades at A*, A and B all increased. Coverage here.

Head of Sixth Form Liam McGillicuddy stated that “so many students have outperformed their University offers, we are very proud of their achievements. Also the increase of top grades is excellent”.

Highlights include

30% A* in Maths

77% Distinction of better in BTEC ICT

94% A*-B in the Extended Project Qualification

This has resulted in Quintin Kynaston students heading off to top universities across the UK including UCL, Edinburgh, London School of Economics and Manchester.

Individual success stories include

Wenni Yuan – 3 A*s, 2 As

Lorik Morina – 2 A*s, 1 A

Meriton Sllamniku – 2 A*s, 1 A

Norah Al Nassar – 2 A*s, 2 As

Head teacher Alex Atherton said “it is so pleasing that the aspiration and resilience shown by the students have resulted in such wonderful results.  They deserve all of the success coming their way.  Congratulations also to the staff who worked so hard for them. With the new Sixth Form Centre we will be in an even stronger position next year.”