Jack Petchey Awards Ceremony

Wednesday 27th January, QK were proud to have eight of our students formally recognised for their efforts and achievements during the course of last year. The winning students were entertained throughout the evening by aspiring musicians and they left having been truly inspired by the nature of being part of such a large awards evening. Our students were a credit to their families,their form tutors, year teams and above all themselves. If you do teach the winning students shown below then please take the time to ask them about their evening. Click here to see how they won their awards.

Arthur Taylor – Jack Petchey Adult Leader winner

Arthur was nominated for a Jack Petchey award by the PE department for two main reasons, firstly, his support to the department’s extra-curricular programme last year, particularly his commitment to the QK community football club that took place down at Pad Rec on Thursday evenings. Those that supported the football club will know that it took place whatever the weather and every week accommodated between 80 and 120 students mainly across years 7-10, the club also enabled some of our aspiring sports leaders to hone their coaching skills as part of GCSE PE exam coursework. Arthur was an important person in working with these students to do this and overall was a key staff member in making this club work and be as successful it was.

Secondly, the PE department felt Arthur should be recognised for his work with Mohammed Abdulkarim whilst his class were partaking in their swimming topic of work. Arthur drew significant praise from Marc Posner and the swimming staff for his work with Mohammed in the pool. Mohammed has a passion for swimming and was able to take that further and be amongst his peers during PE lessons because of Arthur’s support.

Please congratulate Arthur on winning a Jack Petchey Leader Award.